Award-Winning Motivational Speaker, Pageant Queen & Model

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“Be Someone’s Hero Not a Bystander”

The Quote that started it all in 2015.

Competing in pageants since 2015, witnessing that a crown can help make a change Samantha did her first presentation at Teen Fest Canada. The same year winning her first Social media out reach award.

In 2017 Samantha took her campaigning to a new level winning the Global Change Leader award for finding strength and identity one of just 200 youth worldwide to win the award, Samantha was also featured in The Power of YOUth book by Kelly Lovell for winning the award.

Samantha a Young adult with Apraxia travels North America in hopes to inspire and spark change everywhere she goes. Showing the world that a disorder and what people tell you does NOT define you or your abilities.

Making a difference worldwide

The smallest of actions can spark the biggest of changes!

Here is a small bit about Samantha

Samantha is a Pageant Queen, Motivational Speaker, and Model from Vernon, British Columbia, Canada. Winning awards for sharing her story of living with Apraxia, modeling, and for pageantry.

Vernon, British Columbia